Stardate: 20210411.2242 
Location: xiled rumination concentrator
Input Device: Concentrator PC (repurposed Lenovo PC)
Audio: Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More
Visual: X2Go session on daimos (Asus X200CA)
Emotional: Tired.            

I have been working on the xiled rumination concentrator quite a bit
lately, but I have not documented much about it, so I have decided 
to write something to summarize the current state of the project (?)
Not sure if it's really a project since I keep changing things on
the fly and its function keeps evolving.

 Current Primary Functions:

 Meeting Simulator - This is probably the primary function for now.
 I spend a few hours a day in online meetings.

 Audio listening booth - especially for new albums, streaming radio,
 ham radio, zello.

 Meditation - exterior sounds are muffled pretty well.

 Recent upgrades:

Cheap 32"(?) LCD TV w/HDMI from Goodwill - this is now the main
display.  Not bad for $15, though it does have some weird temporary
image persistance(?) that goes away.  The issue does not appear when
viewing video.

Surface RT tablet - access to the ship's computer (LCARS).  This
was going to be an AUX display, but the browser does not work with
Deskreen[1] and I have not found an alternate browser for RT(arm cpu)  
The LCARS interface works great as a GUI for the USS Nostradumbass
and it also provides cool ship sound effects.  Sounds great with 
it plugged into the mixer. 

Repurposed Logitech speakers+subwoofer - The speaker/reciever setup 
I was working on previously[2] was too cumbersome for the 
concentrator.  These are pretty standard desktop speakers that sound 
decent in the enclosed space.  The previous speakers will go to a 
different project.

"Control Panel" - I have mounted a bunch of stuff to poultry fencing
and have pinned the panel to the foam wall of the concentrator.
Yeah, not the most elegant, but functional.  Here is a crude diagram
of the panel.
USS Nostradumbass Control Panel:

 {}| Amp on/off |{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
 {}| Logitech Audio |{}{}{}{}{}{}
 {}|   Controller   |{}{}{}{}{}{}
 {}{}|       4-Channel    |{}{}{}
 {}{}|         Mixer      |{}{}{}
 {}| 5-Port   |{}| 4-Port USB |{}
 {}| Ethernet |{}|    Hub     |{}
 {}| Switch   |{}o------------o{}

That's it for now.  I'll write more later.

[1] deskreen
[2] 20210323_audio


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