[+-+-+-+-+-+---===<<<+[ xiled ruminiation ]+>>>===-----+-+-+-+-+-+-]
[+-+-+-+-+-+---===<<<+[    concentrator   ]+>>>===-----+-+-+-+-+-+-]

           |T|_______________________         ______
          /|_|  //                  /|       /     /|
         /     //                  / |      /     / |
        / //  //                  /  |     /     /  |
       / //  //                  /   |    /     /   |
      /_____//__________________/    |   /_____/    |
      |     ||                  |    |   |     |    |
      |    3||B                3|    |___|B    |    |
      |     ||   xiled          |    /   |     |    |
      |     ||   rumination     |   /    |     |   //
      |     ||   concentrator   |  /     |     |  //
      |    3||B                3| /      |B    | //
              (@)            (@) |_____________|/


The xiled rumination concentrator is a wardrobe shipping container
that I found curbside for free.  I have converted it into a multi-
purpose space that I have tucked away in the corner of my garage
for various projects and tasks.  Below is a collection of phosts
regarding the evolution of the concentrator.

[+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---===<<<+[    log    ]+>>>===----+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+]


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